Mobigo for

Electronic, Phone & Data


All companies that work with electrical installation must have their own self-monitoring program. Mobigo makes it easy to create your own checklists and follow the procedures. Mobigo also includes many industry specific settings.

Connect Blue

Connected to EIO

If you're connected to the EIO industry organization, your system will be pre-configured with EIO's standard protocols and field settings.

Document Blue

Automation materials

You can add connections to your wholesalers (Elektroskandia, Solar, Selga, Storel etc.) and reduce the risk of errors by importing their packing slips electronically. The material you receive from the wholesalers is automatically inserted as materials lines on the work order.

Tag Blue

Manage items

Management is simplified for those with hundreds of thousands of items in their registers. Import price lists and items to your item registry using the E number from your business system or the wholesalers' files.

Coin Blue

Monitor profitability

Spreadsheets provide supervisors and project managers with an overview and control over assignment margins.



  • Work order management with attached EIO protocols
  • Connection to wholesalers (Elektroskandia, Solar, Selga, Storel etc.)
  • Spreadsheets
  • Support for repairs, conversions, extensions and reverse VAT
  • Time reporting
  • Journey log
  • Calendar

Companies active in several industries can combine different industry modules and other extension modules.

Sounds like a good idea, don't you think?

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